Out of the Darkness and Into the Light

Out of the Darkness and Into the Light

3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. ~Genesis 1:3-4

Gray skies, cold weather, the turning of clocks back and shorter daylight hours are all characteristic of winter and its abounding negativity. Just the mere thought of darkness, frigid temps, and subsequent inactivity can lead someone to feel depressed, alone, and anxious. We start to feel this way as soon as the clocks are turned back. It’s like a switch goes off in our brain and without even thinking, we have this dread of the upcoming months. We have already succumbed to the feeling of desperation, depression, sadness and blah.

Most of us need light. We thrive on it. We embrace the sunshine, the natural injection of Vitamin D, the spiritual uplifting we feel when the sun is shining and the grass is green, flowers are sprouting, and the trees are abundantly blooming with life. We feel as if we can do anything, be anyone, go anywhere. We are empowered to be all that we can be. We feel strong and vibrant, full of life.

What makes this change in the season affect us so much? Why do the winter months and all of its “faults” have to be so tough on us? Why does the shortened days disable us? How do we combat these feelings so that we can get through this difficult period of time?

Unfortunately, for many, this is a problem, and it interferes with daily existence. It exists in the form of S.A.D., seasonal affective disorder and it is very real. It brings on feelings of sadness, isolation, in some cases, weight gain, a change in appetite, insomnia and a host of other conditions as well. But there are ways to cope with it and with practice, determination, and a good outlook and attitude, one can begin to fight their way through this period of time and find joy.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. ~Psalms 143:8 NIV

Here are 10 simple things you can do to help combat these feelings:

1. Surround yourself with friends and loved ones to help boost your attitude, and feelings of isolation.

2. Take up a hobby such as painting, drawing, woodworking. Listen to music.

3. Read a good book that interests you.

4. Watch uplifting movies/TV shows/comedies.

5. Exercise. Even light exercise can help your mood change from negative to positive.

6. Experiment with light therapy. There are artificial light therapy lamps that will help to enhance your mood.

7. Get outdoors even for a few minutes multiple times a day to get some sunlight on your face and body. Soak up the sun light waves as much as you can.

8. Go for a brisk walk during the daylight hours.

9. Listen to inspirational talks/webinars/podcasts.

10.Meditate and/or pray.

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

It’s okay to feel this way. Understand it, acknowledge it, and accept it, but don’t let it dictate your life or take away your joy. Lean on God to show you the way during these difficult days. Life is about living to its fullness embracing all that we have been blessed with. God promises us light, love, joy, peace, and happiness. Be grateful for all that has been bestowed upon you. God walks along side of you even through the darkness.


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